IR.Tools Learning Center

IR Protection and Safety Start Here

Learning Paths

Browse our training material to enhance your understanding of how infrared products work.  Our simplified approach will help you integrate infrared technology into your operations. 

passive or active IR markers

Understanding IR Technology

  • Infrared 101 – The Basics
Rainbow thermal imager view

Thermal Infrared

  • Thermal Infrared Basics
  • Understanding Your Equipment
Flir view of thermal markers on vehicle

Friend or Foe Identification

  • Infrared ID Patches
Universal Zeroing Target for Laser, Night Vision, Thermal Sights


coming soon

Hunter training with Thermal Targets fro accurate shots.

Target Training

coming soon

Level 1-3 NIST Drone Thermal Discs for Pilot Training

Drone Training

coming soon

Join or Die, history of the Navy Jack patch

History of IR/Thermal 

coming soon

Training is part of our mission.

Our mission is to provide more accessible IR education

IR.Tools is not just a company that builds infrared products anymore.

Our goal is to establish IR.Tools as a training resource for infrared technology. We are poised to bring valuable information to our community in a big way.

We are so serious we added it to our logo!

The training materials and educational content are freely available to users!

Sign up today and learn how infrared technologies work to enhance your safety and performance.

Power thermal target, etype, upright
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