A Sober Holiday
Once a year, on the last Monday of May, America pauses to honor our fallen heroes.
Cities, towns, and businesses become a sea of red, white, and blue. Parades, ceremonies, and families gather in a blend of solemnity and appreciation for the men and women who served our nation.
It is a sober holiday.
Cemeteries are awash with flags and flowers as families visit the graves of their loved ones. The sound of taps echoes in the air, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made.
Civil War Origins
The origins of Memorial Day date back to the aftermath of the Civil War.
Initially known as Decorations Day, it was a time set aside to adorn the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers. The first Decoration Day took place on May 30, 1868. General Logan of the Army of the Republic declared a day to honor those who had died in “defense of their country.”
In 1971 Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday, placing it on the last Monday in May. For those not intimately touched by a loss, it has become the unofficial start of the summer.
Memorial Day Holds Special Significance
For IR.Tools Memorial Day holds special significance.
Our products are designed to protect soldiers and prevent friendly fire casualties, so we feel the loss of any soldier’s life. With every IFF patch we build and ship our goal is to continually enhance the safety and outcomes in military operations.
Producing a premium product and blessing those who wear it is our ultimate goal.
So this Memorial Day as you gather with family and friends and share a grilled burger, take some time to reflect on the true meaning of this holiday.
Remember the Sacrifices
Remember those who interrupted a career or education to serve in uniform.
Remember the families whose lives were uprooted every few years for a new duty.
Remember those exhausted single parents left behind to manage the household.
Remember the financial strain a military life can have on a family.
Remember the unique challenges children endure with an absent parent.
Remember the ultimate sacrifice of coping with the death of a loved one.

Thank You to All Who Served
Today and every day IR.Tools thanks all who have served and are serving today.
May God Bless the families who have paid a huge price for the rest of us to enjoy the freedoms and protection we take for granted.
Remember … Memorial Day.