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There was no competition for IR.Tools™ No Power  Thermal Targets at the recent Fort Bragg Sniper Competition in Fayetteville, N.C. Out of the hundreds of targets blanketing the range, IR.Tools™  Thermal Printed Targets were a direct hit (pun intended).

It was fun for me to see these expert shooters lining up for the opportunity to try the new FLIR thermal imager and sights on their weapons.  Looking out from their shooting positions, these brave soldiers’ could readily view (sight) and fire on IR.Tools™ Thermal Printed Targets.


Thermal printed Targets Image
Thermal Printed Targets at Fort Bragg

As you can see from the picture,  IR.Tools™ Thermal Printed Targets™are more realistic and darker than the rest of the targets on the range.  These No Power Thermal Targets are made from reverse polarity or low emissivity film. For optimum performance it is important to lean the targets back at a slight angle (10 – 15 degrees).  They can also be turned slightly to find the optimum position.

I am a Dad with three daughters and it is not often I get to punch my “man card” but hanging out with these incredible soldiers’ was an honor.  Not only did I get to punch my man card but these Thermal Printed Targets made me proud of the line of targets we manufacturer.

IR.Tools’™ Targets is a one stop shop for Thermal Target Training. With three options to choose from: Zero Targets,  Thermal Die Cut Targets and Thermal Printed Targets. Target training just got easier and more effective.

Thanks Fort Bragg for the opportunity!