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IR.Tools specializes in infrared (IR) identification and training products for the Military, Law Enforcement, and Sportsmen communities. With our primary mission to mitigate life-altering injuries specifically with friend or foe patches and markers; we always have our sights set on innovating identification methods and developing training aids.  

Each product originates with one or more infrared films; IR reflective, Thermal or Photoluminescent. These films are detected and identified by sophisticated infrared sensors including night vision, white phosphorus, and thermal cameras. Photoluminescent products used in non-covert operations are primarily detected by the naked eye.   

In addition, our infrared training products are designed to assist individuals who actively work with infrared devices, leading them to greater levels of proficiency and expertise. 

We’ve developed these quick reference lists below to highlight some of the best use cases for our technologies that you can incorporate into your current identification strategies and training regiments.

4 Tools to Improve Your Infrared Identification

1. Friend or Foe Passive Patches

The cornerstone of IR.Tools is the infrared IFF (friend or foe) Identification patches. Since 2006, IR.Tools has supplied military grade infrared patches to the US Military to enhance IFF protection.  Initially this began with a ¾” IR patch sewn on the shoulder of every US Military uniform but quickly expanded into a complete suite of IFF patches – Covert and Non-covert.   

All the IFF Patches are built with these infrared films: 

  • Field IR Reflective – Covert  
  • Garrison IR Reflective – Non-covert  
  • Photoluminescent – Non-covert 
  • Thermal – Covert or Non-covert 
Infrared Identification Tools built by IR.Tools

Patches are Printed or Laser-cut and include a vast number of designs including but not limited to:  call signs, morale logos, unit logos, US flags, allied flags, brand logos, etc… 

The IR reflective patches are built with our proprietary SandStorm Technology™. SandStorm Technology™ uses perfectly formed microprisms on one seamless layer to provide maximum IR glow with no air gaps. These military grade infrared patches are nearly indestructible for uncompromising IFF protection. 

The thermal patches feature our exclusive Upright Thermal film, designed with thousands of random thermal micro reflectors. This unique patch generates a clear contrast unaffected by the surrounding environment. Ideal for search and rescue and suspect chases.  

2. IFF Active Thermal Beacons 

In addition to our unprecedented selection of passive IFF protection, IR.Tools has partnered with Thermal Beacon to become the exclusive distributor in the U.S. for active identification beacon protection.

These premium active beacons are built with advanced, patented technologies to blend top-notch performance with a super compact design.   

All the beacons are multispectral and omnidirectional and radiate in the LWIR, MWIR, SWIR and NIR spectrums. For another layer of security, the beacons do not emit any signal in the visible spectrum. 

Active beacon, TRFLASH

3. Vehicle Thermal Markers

Primarily deployed to military and law enforcement vehicles, thermal film markers and panels identify vehicles and their locations.  

Aerial and drone operations equipped with thermal cameras communicate precise data to safely direct the operation and avoid untimely delays.  

The markers are built with our Extreme Thermal film, a durable high contrast film that will withstand harsh weather and years of washing.  

vehicle thermal marker identification from IR.Tools

4. Control Points

Similar to our vehicle markers are the IR.Tools Control Points.

These thermal markers are custom-designed and prove to be a valuable asset for identification in hard-to-reach places, particularly operations in the dark.  

Whether you require a stable reference point, are studying behavior patterns, or need a secure landing zone, you can elevate your operations with the addition of a high-contrast control point.   

Active beacon, TRFLASH

2 Tools to Improve Your Infrared Training

1. Thermal Target Training 

To support the training of advanced weapon sights IR.Tools offers an extensive suite of thermal shooting targets.  

The inventory includes a variety of zeroing, passive and powered thermal targets, all designed to optimize shooting sessions. 

Like our thermal patches, all of IR.Tools thermal targets are built with Upright Thermal film, an exclusive thermal film that eliminates the standard angled position to function. The superior contrast of these targets is remarkable, ensuring a straightforward user experience – simply mount, aim, and shoot.  

Ready-Made Zeroing Targets

IR.Tools ready-made zeroing targets are accurate and ready to shoot in minutes. There are several zeroing options to choose from: 

  • 25m Univeral Zeroing – for Laser, Night Vision, and Thermal Sights 
  • 100m Thermal Zeroing – Thermal Sights 


  • 25m Pasters – for Laser, Night Vision and Thermal Sights
  • 50m Pasters – Thermal Sights
Zeroing Targets

Passive Training Targets  

In addition to the passive zeroing targets, IR.Tools builds a wide array of larger Upright passive training targets. Targets are built in different shapes and sizes, and there is no additional power source required for excellent outdoor training.  

Powered Training Targets  

Attaching a heater to the already ridiculous contrast of an Upright target provides an unmatched indoor or outdoor training experience. The added heat contrast achieves a high-resolution contrast that ensures an enhanced differential between the powered target and its background. Designed for ease of transport and durability. 

Steel Target Heater for Thermal Training

For those training with steel targets, IR.Tools Steel Target Heater seamlessly adheres to the back of your steel target to transform your steel into a thermal target. Shooters experience instant audible and visual feedback for positive shooting habits.  

Thermal Training Targets built by IR.Tolls

2. Drone Training 

As the demand for skilled drone pilots continues to rise, IR Tools thermal discs and 2D dummies are providing a life-like training and test scenario.  

Thermal Discs for Drone Training 

Under the guidance of the Regional Training Center for Law Enforcement, Texas DPS, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, IR.Tools now builds thermal drone training discs to satisfy the 5 level training requirements for the US Homeland Security Science and Technology course.   

Each course level progresses to a higher degree of difficulty to teach and test the pilots’ skills and the drone’s reliability. The thermal discs meet the NIST standards 100% to enhance training in any infrared environment.  

2D Dummies for Drone Training  

Tailored for public safety drone pilots, 2D Dummies and IR.Tools have partnered to offer a life-like training experience. These innovative dummies with Upright Thermal film are excellent for day or night training sessions. The 2-sided 2D Dummies manikin mimics human features on one side and a human heat contrast on the other.   

The dummies are compact, easy to deploy, and need no power to work. 

NISCS discs for thermal training
Drone training 2D dummies

Secure Your Infrared Identification and Training Products   

Reach out to us with any questions about our products!

We hope these lists help bring success to your operation. IR.Tools uses only top-tier raw materials for premium products, ensuring your safety and success is our top priority. We focus on future innovations to provide unique solutions for military and police needs. Need help with infrared technology? Contact us today for tailored solutions.

-Tom Boyer, President

The Author: Tom Boyer

Since 2006, Tom has been the driving force behind IR.Tools, dedicated to delivering top-notch infrared solutions to the military, law enforcement, and sportsmen communities.

What began with a single infrared patch has blossomed into a comprehensive store featuring hundreds of IFF patches, vehicle IFF, an extensive suite of thermal training targets, and tools for drone pilots.

Beyond his innovative products, Tom is passionate about educating users on infrared technology and showcasing how advancements in IR can enhance their operations.

Tom holds an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland and an MBA from Regents University.