3 Reasons Why Photo-luminescent Patches are Best for Your Operation
Do you find working in the dark difficult because you can’t identify others working with you?
Consider a “glow in the dark” photo-luminescent patch.
First, you can easily charge your patch with exposure to sunlight or ambient light (flashlight). The film will absorb and store the light energy. Next, when the patch is exposed to darkness a blue green glow appears. The bonus is this patch needs no additional power source to operate.
Finally, attach the patch to your uniform and stay safe.
Your loved will be glad you do.
Here are 3 reasons to consider when to use a Photo-luminescent patch:
1. Your operations are Non-covert.
Working in the dark is not always about staying hidden from the enemy. Search and rescue, traffic operations, foot patrols are among the operations officers are safer seen than unseen. Evaluate your level of danger and decide if a photo-luminescent patch is your best protection choice.
2. You are limited in acquiring advanced equipment.
No funds for Night Vision or Thermal device? Or you don’t have the personnel to operate such equipment. Photo-luminescent patches are your solution for quick, safe identification without the high cost of advanced technology.
3. You must be seen with the naked eye.
As important as it is to be seen by your fellow officers, sometimes the job calls for you to be seen by the public. Especially with in traffic patrols and traffic stops. The officer’s glow patch is seen by passing motorists, which keeps everyone involved safer.
We will make your logo glow!
Do you want your logo to glow?
Our friends working with the Seabees asked for this custom Photo-luminescent patch. The details were challenging but the laser cut precision galvanized the glow.
We can do the same for you!

These photo-luminescent films are certified to the following standards:
- DIN 67510
- ASTM 2072
- ISO 15370
- IMO RES A. 752 (18)
- APTA SS-PS-004-99 REV 2 X
- APTA SS-PS-002-98 REV 3
- JIS Z9100