Nov 30, 2017 | Infrared Technology, Passive, Thermal Film, Thermal Targets, Understanding IR Technology, Vehicle ID
For Starters…What is Thermal ? The simple definition? Thermal is “something related to heat or temperature”. Perhaps, this definition will take you back to your 8th grade science class when you first learned thermal is part of the electromagnetic...
Oct 20, 2016 | Military, Passive, Police, Thermal Film, Thermal Targets, Vehicle ID
Thermal film has advantages in the day and night The reliability of thermal film in the day or night and all weather conditions is slowly gaining momentum as the “go to” choice for IFF protection and Search and Rescue operations. Thermal films are...
Aug 14, 2015 | Passive, Police, Thermal Film, Vehicle ID
We wanted to test the Vehicle Markers to see if a marked vehicle could be found in a crowded mall parking lot. A white truck was parked at the mall with a white 3″X12″ Vehicle Marker on its roof. The helicopter flew to the mall and the TFO...
Jul 16, 2015 | Police, Vehicle ID
To ensure you have a successful flight; knowing your equipment and how it works best is critcal. The emergency call comes in… Your airborne unit takes to flight… The challenge of identifying and tracking your resources on the ground begins… So pause...
Jul 13, 2015 | Police, Vehicle ID
Vehicle Markers use infrared science* to help Airborne Law Enforcement clearly identify vehicles through its thermal imager. -40℃ and -40℉ are the same temperature… COLD! The higher we go up in the sky, the lower the temperature becomes....
Apr 6, 2015 | Passive, Targets, Thermal Film, Thermal Targets, Vehicle ID
Some people think a thermal film is going to the movies in the summer when the A/C is broken. But that is not the case! Thermal film is a thin non-descriptive piece of material, either tan, brown, OD green, or black that is used by the military, law enforcement and...